

In solving societal and economic challenges the role of digital innovation is indispensable. For instance, in accelerating energy transition, maintaining security, and keeping health care affordable. The digital world is the transformative link between sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11). And an enabler in bringing positive change across all industries on a global scale. In the Netherlands, digital technology enables us to bring supply and demand more quickly in order to implement successful innovations in short cyclical terms.


In digital transformation, peace, justice, and strong institutions (SDG 16) need our commitment more than ever. To achieve this, fair access to justice and building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels is essential. The Netherlands is able to capitalise on the economic and social opportunities of digitalisation, and to ensures that it’s done in a safe and innovative manner.

By working together, we can foster continuous, inclusive and sustainable economic growth as well as decent jobs for everyone (SDG 8). By 2030, security organisations in the Netherlands will collect new and better data to remain one step ahead in defining measures.

The way forward together

Advancements in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and our leap towards digital transformation are all cross-border pursuits.

The Netherlands is home to key organisations such as NATO, Europol, and the International court of Justice. We have numerous clusters for international trade such as The Hague Security Delta, the NL AI coalition, the Dutch blockchain coalition, and Orange Corners. And knowledge institutions like TU Delft, Deltares, TNO and Marin, which work in tandem with these. Our quadruple helix approach puts short lines of rapid communication between public, private, and knowledge institutions.

The development of digital technology and our efforts in data innovation greatly impact all long-term goals of our Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation (BHOS) policy. The Netherlands aims to respond to the opportunities and challenges presented by digitalisation and thereby will achieve policy goals faster. We focus on four social themes: Energy transition and sustainability; Agriculture, water, and food; Health and healthcare; and Security.

Enabling Innovation

The Netherlands’ ICT sector is represented by team Dutch Digital Delta. which stimulates and initiates ICT innovations across the various sectors. We focus on areas that offer opportunities to both citizens and businesses, such as key enabling technologies: Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cybersecurity, Big Data, and Future Networks beyond 5G.

Security with key technology CYBERSECURITY

In 2030, organised crime in the Netherlands will be too risky and poorly rewarding, due to more insight into illegal activities and money flows. And Safety Professional is expected to be one of the top 10 most attractive jobs in the Netherlands. The Netherlands strives to be a digital leader in cybersecurity.

Dutch company Hudson Cybertec, which secures operational technologies, is internationally recognised as an expert on international norms in industrial security and works with German certification authority Tüv. As the main security provider of the Rijnland waterboard,assist various water boards in making and maintaining process automation environments digitally resilient. This is crucial in securing vital infrastructure components such as flood defense and safe drinking water.

Health with key technology AI

By 2040, all Dutch people are expected to live at least five years longer and in good health. And the health gap between the lowest and highest socio-economic groups will have decreased by 30%. On top of that , people and goods will be transported through zero-emission mobility by 2050.

The European Health Data Evidence Network (EHDEN) was launched in November 2018 to address the current challenges in generating insights and evidence from real-world clinical data at scale. It supports patients, clinicians, payers, regulators, governments, and the industry in understanding wellbeing, disease, treatments, outcomes, and new therapeutics and devices.

In Colombia, the ‘We Care Colombia’ programme is a public-private partnership active in eHealth, preventative screenings, and healthcare access for all. They use digital solutions to improve and unify data systems for excellent outcome-based care. Digital technology also enable us to optimise public health systems through greater focus on preventative screenings. This way, we can improve access to care for people living in both metropolitan and rural areas.

  • G4AW is solving this challenge with satellites, to provide:
  • agricultural advice
  • affordable satellite-based insurance schemes
  • agri-financial services
  • access to accurate and localised weather information
  • access to market information services.

Energy transition and sustainability with key technology BLOCKCHAIN

We are working towards a sustainable and fully circular economy in 2050., And the use of raw materials will also be halved by 2030. Another important focus is to reduce national greenhouse gas emissions by 49% by 2030 , towards a 95% reduction in emissions by 2050 compared to 1990 is also on the agenda. And with this, a completely CO2-free electricity system in 2050.

Across all avenues of industry, the shift to blockchain solutions is a driving force for the energy transition. In Germany, we work on AI solutions through AI4DT, a German-Dutch field lab and public-private initiative. In Singapore, our public-private partnership collaborate with local innovators on blockchain solutions to enhance sustainability . And  in Rotterdam, blockchain is used for logistics at the Rotterdam Harbour (Havenbedrijf Rotterdam).

Roseman labs is a Dutch company working on the energy grid transition using secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC). Together with Stedin and Technolution, it is applying MPC technology to aggregate meter readings, adhering to strict privacy and security measures. Its software allows aggregated data to be transmitted to a dashboard, which runs in a cloud environment, but without revealing the data of individual meters. This enables grid operators to use encrypted data for calculations. This process allows the possibilities to use data on energy consumption and generation in order to create load profiles for capacity calculations and congestion forecasts.

Agriculture, water and food with key technology BIG DATA

In 2030 we will produce and consume healthy, safe and sustainable food and chain partners, including farmers, will earn a fair price. In addition, the Netherlands will be climate-proof and water-robust by 2050. We will remain a well-protected and liveable delta, with timely, future-proof measures at manageable costs.

The Geodata for Agriculture and Water (G4AW) initiative offers space solutions for smallholders to improve productivity and climate resilience. Since most smallholders, farmers, and pastoralists in developing countries live in remote areas, they often do not have access to timely information on the effective use of input materials, better farming practices, and financial advice.

A Dutch ecosystem for solutions and partnership

The Netherlands is the digital gateway to Europe, with a large and well equipped internet exchange (AMS-IX). The Dutch approach puts people first, followed by technology. We are a keen partner to everyone's digital transformation in missions for the future.

Alongside our world-class digital infrastructure, we have a highly educated population. The Netherlands is a proven testing ground for new solutions. Field labs enable organisations to work together in an agile way, with quick implementation of products in the market. As a result, we can accelerate innovation in the digital world. We are known for our globally trusted and ethical hacker community. Furthermore Netherlands has a bustling start-up scene, cities that are a melting pot of talents, and a seamless knowledge to product transfer. 

As a major hub on the digital gateway, we hold high standards in line with European values with regard to responsible data, digital human rights, and privacy in a digital era. We  have strong European partnerships and a hub for major digital leadership investments. Why? Because we are in compliance with all EU regulations across industries, with uncompromising privacy-by-design, GDPR, and responsible data handling.

Digital Netherlands at a glance

  • We rank #7 in the UN’s ICT Development Index The Netherlands ranks 5th on the Global Innovation Index
  • In 2020, the Netherlands ranked 4th in Global Technical Readiness (source: The Economist monitor)
  • In 2020, the Netherlands jumped from 14th to 9th place on the Oxford Insights Index for Artificial Intelligence readiness Amsterdam ranked 4th in the Tech City Index
  • There are 80+ big data companies that call the Netherlands home
  • We have a well-equipped and well-connected Internet Exchange (AMS-IX)
  • Around half of Dutch retailers working in agriculture & food, smart industries, water & maritime, and other industries already use blockchain technology or have considered implementing it in the near future.
  • 40% of Dutch companies have implemented AI and for 2% AI is vital to their business
  • In 2018, Dutch companies invested over $40 million in AI Currently, 4G Network coverage in the Netherlands is 99,3%, which makes us one of the best covered in the world

Join us

We strive for an empowered digital future where citizens, governments, and private companies are all part of the conversation. We need you to take the leap with us.

The Netherlands offers an environment to spark change for the energy transition and sustainability, agriculture, water and food, healthcare, and safety. Through the lens of digitalisation, we can solve global challenges.

Let's empower our digital future!

Get in touch and join us

Want to know more about how you can work together with the Netherlands to achieve your goals? Or how you can help contribute to or spread the word on campaigns, events and initiatives? Contact us directly at info@nlbranding.nl so we can help you connect to the right people.