
High-tech systems and materials (HTSM)

In our fast-moving world, new technologies quickly succeed old ones. Throwing up new dilemmas. Increased technology uses more energy, while the High Tech Systems and Materials (HTSM) sector also provide innovative solutions to this and many other technological challenges. HTSM makes things faster, smarter and more efficient. Changing our world each and every day.

Pioneering new solutions

Some of the world’s ground-breaking inventions were developed by the Dutch. Take the microscope, Bluetooth and wi-fi. In the digital age, the Netherlands continues to pioneer new technologies. But we never do it alone. Together with our international partners, HTSM helps solve global climate, health, sustainability, security and mobility challenges.

Pragmatism meets innovation

Our HTSM sector consists of more than 1,700 firms. From large manufacturers to smaller tech start-ups. It’s the sector where Dutch pragmatism and innovation meet. Thanks to its highly skilled workforce and government support, it continues to grow and thrive. It’s no wonder major multinationals readily invest in this sector.


While The Hague is probably best-known as the City of Justice, it’s also established itself as AI HQ. That’s because it hosts the headquarters of CLAIRE the Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research in Europe. And it is home to UNICRI  the UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute’s Centre for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics.

High-tech hubs

The Netherlands has a number of amazing high-tech hubs. Located away from our commercial centres, Wageningen, Nijmegen, Eindhoven, Delft and Twente attract the world’s brightest minds. Placing the Netherlands among the top 10 countries of the IMD World Talent Ranking. Why? Because they are affiliated to technical universities surrounded by home-grown tech spinoffs. Eindhoven even comes #2nd in the Global Innovation Index (GII) Science and Technology Intensity ranking. Overall the Netherlands ranks #6th. Wow. We are really punching above our weight.

Making a smarter world

In the digital age, the HTSM sector continues to innovate, developing state-of-the-art solutions. Like in the semicon industries which drive innovations in all other industries. Connecting everything to the Internet of Things. Creating products with lower CO2 emissions and bringing us closer to our zero-emission and SDG goals. Making the world smarter.

Exciting tech

Meet the Dutch HTSM top sector at Holland High Tech:

Did you know that every smart gadget in the world contains chips produced by a machine made in Eindhoven?

Get in touch and join us

Want to know more about how you can work together with the Netherlands to achieve your goals? Or how you can help contribute to or spread the word on campaigns, events and initiatives? Contact us directly at info@nlbranding.nl so we can help you connect to the right people.