In the spotlight
Plastics are becoming a major threat to the environment. They are clogging up our waterways and threaten our health. Searious Business helps major brands and retailers to make their use of plastic more sustainable, focussing on packaging, furniture and consumer electronics. The consultancy advises on how to avoid creating plastic waste by introducing alternatives, reusing components or making sure plastics are effectively recycled. Listen to the podcast on this sustainable start up.
In spite of not knowing anything about plastics or polymers, Searious business founder Willemijn Peeters followed her dream to help stop plastics ending up in the ocean by setting up circular business models.
In order to achieve the company's mission - zero-plastics in our Ocean - she teamed up with Delft University of Technology and Gispen/Arend furniture designers. Together they created the world's first circular design sofa. The frame is composed of 3D-printed components which can be clicked into place. It is easy to assemble, requires no glue and stapels and, on return, consumers receive a desposit back. The idea won the Dutch Design Award in 2019.
"The biggest change is in people's heads."
In the podcast series Entrepreneurial Journeys, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency's Emma Kloppert asks sustainable entrepreneurs how they turned their ideals into sustainable businesses.This episode explores the bigger picture of the circular economy. Michel Scholte, founder of True Price and Impact Institute and Minister of the New Economy explains the real costs of plastics. And Willemijn Peeters of Searious Business tells us what is behind her company focussed on mind shifting solutions to circular plastic use.
Listen to the podcast on apple or on Spotify
Photo Julia M. Cameron/pexels
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