In the spotlight
We proudly present the new Netherlands in Perspective 2021. Besides the latest statistics, this booklet also offers examples of how the Netherlands works together with local and global partners to address societal and economic themes.
This book also highlights:
The Netherlands Branding team – part of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency – has produced this booklet on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Child-labour-free zone helps children back into education
Smart software speeds up COVID-19 triage
Flying-V changes the shape of sustainable flying
G4AW empowering farmers through international collaboration and data collection
Raising food production in Senegal
Red je boeketje: supporting local flower producers in the Netherlands
Dutch valuing water initiative strives for safe water for all
Award-winning self-charging solar car lightyears ahead
Expo Dutch Dubai uniting water, energy and food
'Eurovision: Europe shine a light' broadcast online in the spirit of unity
Want to know more about how you can work together with the Netherlands to achieve your goals? Or how you can help contribute to or spread the word on campaigns, events and initiatives? Contact us directly at info@nlbranding.nl so we can help you connect to the right people.