Food security
The Netherlands works together with local and international partners to solve global challenges worldwide. Learn more about this topic in the stories below.
Urban Farming Partners: turning growing cities into thriving farms
Developing an AgTech ecosystem in Kentucky
Glocal solutions for livestock farming
Making saline soil productive again
Optimising water use for Colombia’s palm oil
An ecosystem approach to boost sustainable food production
Future Protein NL
Training Uganda’s farmers of the future
Feeding Beijing together
Armela Farms: farm the city to feed the city
Global challenges spark creativity and inspiration for Dutch artists
G4AW: empowering farmers with satellite data
Expo 2020 Dubai: uniting water, energy and food
Flying Swans: cool logistics in East Africa
Optimising plant growth in Mexico
East-West Seed helps Vietnamese farmers increase productivity
Preparing Nigerian horticulture for the future
Rotterzwam: coffee grounds for mushrooms
Happy livestock & efficient farming through AI
Reversing desertification through innovation
Raising food production capacity in Senegal
FUMI Ingredients develops plant-based egg whites
Growing robust, nutritious potatoes with disease-free seeds
Hamburgers made from … crickets?!