Photo credit NBTC_Jalila Essaidi

5 facts about #newdutch icon Jalila Essaidi

Jalila Essaidi is a Dutch artist, entrepreneur, and innovator who's making waves around the world with her groundbreaking work in bio-design. From creating bulletproof skin to developing clothing made from manure, Essaidi is pushing the boundaries of what's possible and inspiring others to do the same.

5 facts you need to know about this remarkable woman:

  1. Essaidi created "bulletproof skin" by incorporating elements of spider silk into human skin. The result was a material that could withstand a bullet fired at close range. The invention received international attention and generated interest from the U.S. military, among others.

  2. Rather than selling her patent to the highest bidder, Essaidi decided to apply her invention in the medical field. The material is now being developed to help burn victims and people with bedsores.

  3. Essaidi's innovative spirit extends beyond bio-design. She also developed Mestic, a viscose for clothing made from manure. The material won H&M's Global Change Award in 2017 and is an example of how innovation can help solve social and environmental problems.

  4. Essaidi is the founder of the BioArt Lab in Eindhoven, a creative incubator that brings together biotechnicians and designers to drive systemic change and find solutions to big problems.

  5. Essaidi's latest challenge is tackling the CO2 problem. She's exploring the potential of a small aquatic plant that once caused the beginning of the ice age. The first pilots are about to start, and the world is watching.

Jalila Essaidi is a true innovator who's changing the world for the better. Her work is an inspiration to us all, and a reminder that anything is possible with creativity, determination, and a willingness to think outside the box.

New Dutch

Ask anyone about the Netherlands, and it’s usually our beautiful windmills, canals, and tulips that spring to mind. But did you know they were once ingenious innovations of their time? Today, with a strong reputation for technology, science and design, the Netherlands is at the forefront of innovation. Through groundbreaking research on topics such as energy transition, artificial intelligence, quantum technology and food scarcity, and with startups and citizens seeking creative solutions to make the planet more sustainable. So although we love the icons from our past, it’s time to talk about the future. Let’s talk new masters and new icons. Let’s talk #newdutch.

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