In the spotlight
This is the NL Netherlands official logo:
Using the NL official logo and the NL house style for your message, means you speak on behalf of the Netherlands (public and private representation) and places your message in the broader context of the NL philosophy: Solving global challenges together. All central government bodies can use the NL logo and accompanying visual identity, when the activity conveys the NL philosophy and contributes to the international positioning of the Netherlands. One should always check the official Central Government house style first, to find information on when to use the government house style and when the NL visual identity can be used. Subsequently, you can find guidelines on how to use the NL Logo and NL visual identity in the NL Toolkit.
A private party cooperating with the central government can also request permission to use the NL logo and NL visual identity via the NL Toolkit. Right of use is granted when during a cooperation with the central government the public-private partnership (and not the private party itself) conveys the NL philosophy and contributes to the international positioning of the Netherlands. Please note: in case of incorrect use, misuse or use in breach of the interests of the State, or use contrary to good taste, decency or morality, right of use can unilaterally be terminated by the State. To request permission to use the NL logo and NL visual identity, follow the registration process in the NL Toolkit.
This is the NL Sticker (sample):
A private organisation can place the NL sticker anywhere on their corporate communication to show their organisation's activity is underwriting the NL philosophy Solving global challenges together and their organisation is, in fact, Dutch. No cooperation with the central government is required, but written consent for the right of use is. Right of use is granted when the activities of the organisation adhere to the NL philosophy and contribute to the international positioning of the Netherlands.
The NL sticker becomes available when the following conditions are met:
The right of use is granted for the duration of the activity. Please note: the State retains the explicit right to end the right of use unilaterally if the aforementioned criteria are not fulfilled. The State can also unilaterally terminate the right of use in case the State deems that the NL sticker has been misused, used in a way in breach of the interests of the State, or in breach of good taste, decency or morality.
To request permission to use the NL sticker, please send an e-mail to the NL Branding team (info@nlbranding.nl) at the Netherlands Enterprise Agency with the following information:
Should you have any additional questions, please contact the NL Branding team: info@nlbranding.nl
Want to know more about how you can work together with the Netherlands to achieve your goals? Or how you can help contribute to or spread the word on campaigns, events and initiatives? Contact us directly at info@nlbranding.nl so we can help you connect to the right people.