Sport is an important enabler of sustainable development. With the aspiration of leaving no one behind and its promotion of tolerance and respect, it can be used as a platform to continue advancing economic development, encourage social inclusion and embrace environmental protection.
The Netherlands recognises the growing contribution of sport to the realisation of development and peace. It plays an important part in the promotion of tolerance and respect, as well as the empowerment of women, young people, individuals, communities, health, education and social inclusion objectives.
Whether it is watching, playing or celebrating, the Dutch love sport. More than half of the Dutch population is active in some type of sport at least once a week, it is a vital part of our daily life.
The Dutch want to collaborate in delivering game-changing solutions that transform sport in an inclusive, innovative and sustainable way. Additionally, we strive to become and remain your partner for successful sport experiences and want to leave behind a sustainable legacy in sport, communities and the economy.
As a small country, we actively seek international cooperation and adapt quickly towards new challenges. Our long-term public-private approach facilitates the responsible promotion of Dutch businesses, knowledge institutes and the affiliated sector in target markets where our knowledge and solutions are welcomed and of added value.
The Netherlands has the technological expertise and innovations in house to provide high-quality pitches - whether artificial, hybrid or natural. Also, Dutch businesses want to share their experience in building circular and sustainable sport venues with bio-based raw construction materials, solar panels and smart energy storage systems.
We are fully committed to use sport as a powerful tool for making society more equal through facilitating opportunities for marginalised and underprivileged groups - such as children, the disabled and migrants. We want to help them to interact and integrate with other social groups and showcase their talents.
By teaming up and elevating sport, we can build a better world - one which is healthier, greener and more peaceful. In its vein, the Netherlands is always in search of new partners. Get in touch with us and together we can win a medal in the game of solving global challenges.
Let’s continue our conversation, visit the newly launched Sports-NL website to find out more about Dutch public-private initiatives in the sport sector.
Want to know more about how you can work together with the Netherlands to achieve your goals? Or how you can help contribute to or spread the word on campaigns, events and initiatives? Contact us directly at info@nlbranding.nl so we can help you connect to the right people.