
Life sciences, health & sport

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Both Japan and the Netherlands face a number of challenges such as ageing societies, rising costs of healthcare and maintaining the vitality of their population. Both our countries invest in research and development that will revolutionise the healthcare system. This provides a good opportunity to meet on common ground to solve these global challenge together.

Japan and the Netherlands have a long history of collaboration in the field of healthcare. Japanese and Dutch scientists work together for new healthcare solutions while Japanese and Dutch companies provide products and services that lead to healthier and happier lives in both countries. 

Japan is the third largest economy in the world and also the third health market in terms of total healthcare expenditure ($415 billion in 2020 by WHO). It is one of the super-aging societies with a resulting pressure on the affordability of high quality healthcare. To keep healthcare affordable, Japan is investing in new technologies and by improving market access for foreign healthcare solutions and expertise.

Over the past years, the embassy and RVO identified three areas are most promising for Dutch-Japanese collaboration:

1. Digitalisation
2. Healthy ageing
3. Regenerative medicine

Our goal during Road2Osaka and at the Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai is that Japanese and Dutch stakeholders come together on these topics to strengthen collaboration and foster an exchange of ideas and solutions.


Digitalisation in health is fundamentally reshaping all aspects of society, and healthcare is no exception. With an increasingly data-driven world, digitalisation in healthcare can be a powerful tool to enhance efficiency, improve patient outcomes, and reduce costs. In the Netherlands, we are pioneering innovative digital health solutions. From telemedicine services, which allow patients to receive care from the comfort of their homes, to AI-powered diagnostic tools that can identify diseases with remarkable accuracy.

At Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai, we will showcase these cutting-edge technologies and explore opportunities for collaboration with Japan, a country renowned for its advanced technological landscape. We believe that by combining our strengths, we can accelerate the digital health revolution and ensure that healthcare is more accessible and personalised for everyone.


As life expectancy increases, it is crucial that we focus not just on living longer, but also on living healthier.

Healthy ageing

The ageing population is a global phenomenon that presents both challenges and opportunities. As life expectancy increases, it is crucial that we focus not just on living longer, but also on living healthier. In the Netherlands, we have embraced the concept of healthy ageing, focusing on maintaining vitality and wellbeing throughout the lifespan. This encompasses a broad range of initiatives, from promoting active lifestyles and healthy diets to developing innovative care models for the elderly.

At the Expo, we will present our innovative approaches towards healthy ageing, such as adaptive urban design for senior-friendly cities and advanced biomedical research for age-related diseases. We look forward to collaborating with Japan, a country that is leading the way in addressing the needs of an ageing society, to share knowledge and inspire new solutions that will enhance the quality of life for older adults around the world.

Regenerative medicine

Technological advances are revolutionising the healthcare system, but at the same time, an aging population and changing lifestyles are rapidly increasing the number of people with chronic diseases and those in need of 'care'. Regenerative medicine is a new treatment focused on repairing cell, tissue, and organ damage that can 'prevent' or 'cure' chronic diseases.

Under the slogan "From Care to Cure", since 2016
RegMed XB is actively addressing the ambitious challenges in regenerative medicine in the Netherlands. It has built a strong infrastructure that brings together top-class experts and companies in the field. Japan has top-class researchers in this field and we see opportunities for collaboration in various fields; from research to commercialization, from the laboratory to the patient.

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